Did you know... It costs 5x more to generate new clients than it does to retain existing clients?

If you're looking for...


 Meaningful connection with clients who value your passion, integrity, and expertise


✓ Business growth that feels aligned with your energy and your strengths


 A way to magnetize dream clients and business opportunities


✓  The confidence to say goodbye to awkward self-marketing because you know that there's another way


✓  A steady flow of business leads, and intentional business growth


You're in the right place! 

Did you know... It costs 5x more to generate new clients than it does to retain existing clients?


If you're looking for...


✓ A marketing strategy that doesn't rely on Facebook algorithms or TikTok videos


 Sustainable business growth that happens naturally - without all of the awkward self marketing


 Clients and customers who understand and value your expertise, passion, and integrity  
✓ A system that takes the guess work out of your marketing, giving you the confidence that you're investing your time and resources into efforts that will actually help you achieve your goals
You're in the right place! 
Take Me to the Referral Lab ✦

I'm Jess - and I have a confession to make.

I've been a marketer for years, but I secretly hate marketing myself. Or at least I did when I felt pressured to rely on social media to grow my business. 

Another confession? I don't like social media. I made a pact with myself years ago to grow my personal businesses without relying on social media, and that I would step away without hesitation whenever it started to feel forced or inauthentic. 

I do love meeting new people and building relationships, so I built and systematized my marketing strategy around relationships, doubling my business is the first year. 

And as I discovered how many business owners feel the same way about social media, I formalized this plan so that it could be implemented by any business owner who wants to use relationships to organically grow their business. 

So what is relationship marketing?


Relationship marketing leverages your innate ability to cultivate relationships, amplifying your business reach through word-of-mouth referrals and repeat business. 

A relationship marketing plan takes the guess work out of marketing, pinpointing exactly where and how you should spend your time and marketing budget to deliver powerful results. 

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A strong relationship marketing strategy rests on these four principles: 

⟡ Always deliver exceptional service. Make every client interaction memorable and valuable 

⟡ Be genuine and provide value. Show up authentically, be yourself, and always add value. 

⟡ Consistency is key. Consistently engaging with consistent content will help you stay top of mind for your network. 

⟡ Relationships involve two-way dialogue. Engage with your clients, listen to their feedback, cultivate connections. Fostering meaningful interactions builds trust and loyalty.

With a strategic approach to relationship building and content creation, you can build the business of your dreams. 

The Referral Lab builds on your strengths to grow your business


The Referral Lab is a self-paced course where you'll create a simple marketing roadmap that delivers sustainable business growth. No more guess work. No more wasted marketing spend. No more awkward self-marketing. Just the platforms and messages that align with your energy. 

In this course, you'll learn how to...


Make it easy to say YES to working with you

through crystal clear messaging that you can use over and over again in your marketing

Retain clients, and generate repeat and referral business 

by cultivating genuine relationships with past clients through meaningful and personalized outreach

Gain hours back into your day

by creating a step-by-step roadmap that's easy to regenerate year over year

Reduce the amount you're spending on marketing

by eliminating the guess work and focusing your efforts on the platforms and outreach that aligns with your energy and your personality 

Say goodbye to awkward self marketing

as you develop a marketing strategy that allows you to authentically communicate your value across


With more than 20 training videos, the course covers each of the key elements of a relationship marketing strategy, laying the foundations for business growth on referrals and repeat business. 

Your Database

Quit stressing about how you manage your client database. Here you'll make a plan for consistently engaging your contacts so that you never lose touch with another past client or customer again. 

✦ Implement simplified organizational systems 

✦ Establish a plan for frequency of outreach and the type of content your sphere of influence will find to be most valuable 

✦ Identify a path to growing your database naturally (no forced networking events or superficial database entries)

Content Marketing

Engage clients with valuable content 

Become the expert in your field

Create one piece of content then make that content work harder 

Pick Your Marketing Channels

Evaluate marketing channels 

Pick the channels that work best with your energy, comfort zone, and audience preferences 

Marry your content marketing with the marketing channels you choose 

Establish One-to-One Marketing Channels

Personalized outreach

Celebrations, sympathy 

Systems to make the process easier. Things you want to do but sometimes life gets away from us. Systematize the process so that you never forget a date or miss honoring an important milestone

Develop Personalized Messaging

For when we want to stay in touch but there's not a natural reason to get in touch

We're providing them with steady flow of helpful info but how can we make it more personalized?

Develop a list of reasons to get in touch that will help guide your outreach in a way that feels genuine, and also helpful for them

Formulate Your Plan

Combine everything you've established into one easy-to-follow roadmap that breaks it down into weekly/monthly/yearly action items, plus a roadmap to repeat the process all over again next year

- consistency hacks

The Referral Lab builds on your strengths to grow your business


The Referral Lab is a self-paced course that delivers ease, saves time, and reduces costs in your marketing while establishing a clear and energetically aligned path to sustainable business growth. Here, you can expect to:


1. Develop a cohesive content strategy so that you can convey a consistent brand message, while also saving you valuable marketing time and dollars

2. Systematize cultivating genuine relationships with your clients so that you can transform them into loyal advocates who refer you and your business to their own friends, colleagues, and family

3. Generate a steady flow of inbound leads through a structured referral system so that you surpass all of your sales goals and establish a process that ensures long-term, sustainable growth

4. Establish a crystal clear marketing roadmap that regenerates year over year so that you eliminate the need for constant reinvention and reduce the stress and time often associated with content creation

5. Market your business with confidence and authenticity so that you can avoid the awkward, pushy self-marketing that feels so completely unaligned with your personality

Maybe you're starting to ask yourself... 


Join The Referral Lab Here

⎯ ✧ ✦ ✧ 

Bonus Module! 


Hyper-personalize your marketing efforts with FEARLESS AUTHENTICITY - a bonus module that will take you on a journey of self discovery so that you can amplify the impact of your marketing.

A deep sense of self awareness plays a major role in the fulfillment you feel, your level of connection with others, and the success of your small business. 

...and in your marketing, it ensures you're selecting the marketing platforms that fit, that you're marketing within your values, and that the energy you're putting into the world is attracting everything you want for yourself and your business. 

For a limited time, Fearless Authenticity is included with your Referral Lab course purchase - completely free!


⎯ ✧ ✦ ✧ 
Take Me to The Referral Lab ✨

Looking for More?

Relationship Marketing Strategy Session 

Book a one-hour strategy session where we'll evaluate the health of your current marketing practices, identify where you can save money and time, and build out your relationship marketing plan - including implementation and consistency strategies.

Book Session

SOLFire Personal Branding 

Step into bold confidence and a business that shines among the competition. ✨ Align your business with your values and energy, develop or refine the look of your brand, and learn how to share your story in a way that will have you attracting dream clients in no time.

Take Me There!

Real Estate Content Bundles 

All of the foundational templates you'll need to stay in touch with past clients and your sphere of influence. These bundles include 10 social media posts, 1 blog post, 1 e-newsletter, 1 additional email (header and copy), 2 direct mail options, and 2 pop-by ideas and tags. 

Visit the Store

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