One-on-One Coaching

Let's grow your business on your terms!

Together, we will:

  • Take a journey of self discovery, learning your strengths, personality, and preferences 
  • Align your marketing practices with your vibe so that you can confidently say goodbye to all of the lead generation and marketing that feels awkward
  • Check in twice a month to discuss hurdles, celebrate success, and implement strategies and tactics that help you reach your goals, on your terms. 

One-to-one coaching sessions are a great fit for any business owner, real estate agent, or entrepreneur looking to elevate their personal brand and/or grow their business by aligning their energy with their marketing and sales practices. Coaching sessions take place 2x per month, and your coaching package can be renewed on a monthly basis. 

$300.00 USD

Every month

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

This Coaching Consultation Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and between Jess Callahan, ("Coach") and [Client's Name], ("Client") on [Date].

  1. Services Provided:
    • Two one-hour coaching calls per month 
    • Additional resources, tools, and templates provided by Coach as is recommended to support the Client’s journey
  2. Terms and Conditions:
    • The fee for this service is non-refundable. 
    • The Client is responsible for initiating the scheduling of the coaching calls. Any coaching calls not utilized in a given month do not carry over to future months. 
    • Calls can be rescheduled with at least 24 hours notice. Any need to reschedule within 24 hours of the call will be considered a cancellation. 
    • Coaching is booked on a monthly basis. The contract does not auto-renew. Coach reserves the right to discontinue subsequent monthly coaching services at the Coach’s sole discretion. 
    • Client acknowledges the need to actively participate in coaching calls, implement and integrate suggested lessons and materials, and commit to incorporating these changes consistently and between coaching calls in order to see an impact on their business. 
    • While the Coach feels confident that one-on-one coaching - when implemented as outlined above - will have a positive impact on the Client’s business and/or mindset, the Coach makes no guarantees about the impact it will have on the Client’s business. 
    • All information provided during the coaching calls is based on the Coach's education, training, and experience.
    • The Client acknowledges that they should use their best judgment when incorporating any information or advice into their business plan.
    • Any additional services beyond the scope of this Agreement will require a separate agreement and fee.
  3. Confidentiality:
    • Both parties agree to keep all information shared during the consultation and course confidential, unless required by law.
    • All materials, including but not limited to, templates, resources, courses, workbooks, and tools developed by Jess Callahan coaching are for exclusive use by the Client. Under no circumstances should these materials be shared, including login information to course materials. 
  4. Payment:
    • The Client agrees to pay the full fee for the services as outlined in this Agreement upon signing.
  5. Governing Law:
    • This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Pennsylvania.
  6. Entire Agreement:
    • This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the Coach and the Client and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.

By acknowledging receipt of these terms as you complete your purchase, both parties acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement.


Add Voxer and/or email support to your coaching package for additional guidance/support between coaching calls. 

Voxer support is provided on an unlimited basis Monday - Friday during the terms of your one-on-one coaching engagement. 

Please do your best to limit audio messages to five minutes so that I have adequate time to listen, evaluate, and respond. I'll respond at least twice per week (in situations where I receive at least two messages) and will make every possible attempt to respond within 24 business hours of receiving a message. 

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