
Six Reasons Why Introverts Make The Best Real Estate Agents

introversion real estate
Six Reasons Why Introverts Make the Best Real Estate Agents

Despite being one of the most researched personality traits, the introversion/extroversion spectrum is still widely misunderstood.  

How many times have you heard an introvert being called shy or antisocial? It can be perceived as a weakness and carries with it the assumption that introverts don't like people, they lack confidence, or they're not great leaders. But the difference between introversion and extroversion is actually pretty simple. Introverts get their energy from being alone and extroverts get their energy from being around other people. 

Extroverts are more sensory seeking, enjoy being in the spotlight, and thrive in teams and crowds. Introverts seek less sensory stimulation, value independence and deep connection, and tend to avoid being the center of attention. On the spectrum of introversion and extroversion, all of us fall somewhere in the middle - but how we replenish our energy is a key factor in figuring out on which side of the mid-point we fall.  

In a world that favors "charismatic" and "engaging" extroverts - the quiet strengths of introverts are often overlooked and underestimated. And in the field of real estate, coaching and training tend to be tailored to the extroverts when in fact, there are so many overlooked lead generation strategies that align with an introvert's energy. 

Have you ever worked with a real estate coach who gave you a quota of phone calls to make or doors to knock on? Maybe they suggested that you attend your child’s soccer games prepared with your elevator pitch to deliver to anyone you can connect with, or they've suggested you search your friends on social media to see who's getting a divorce and might be in need of your help.......

If any of these suggestions make your hair stand up - you’re not alone. Slow and steady is how introverts build relationships - through deep and meaningful connection. An introvert is less likely to want to attend a networking event to drive new leads, and more likely to want to build their sphere authentically by joining groups that interest them and building relationships organically. 

An introvert’s quiet strengths position them equally if not better for a lasting career with strong foundations and a solid pipeline. Here are SIX reasons why introverts make amazing real estate agents: 

1. Networking and Relationship Building

An introvert may not be the life of the party, but you can often find them in a quiet corner, getting to know a small group of people on a more intimate level. They may not leave a party with a dozen new contacts in their phone, but they’ve likely made meaningful, longer lasting relationships with those they connected with. They’ve established a deeper level of trust - beyond just a first impression - that’s likely to stick with their new friends long past the party itself. 

2. Great Listening Skills

Introverts make great listeners! Introverts pay close attention to detail and have a way of understanding others perspectives on a deep level. Their listening-to-talking ratio is higher, and they’re more likely to internally process the actual words being spoken. This allows them to provide attentive feedback and helps to establish genuine client connection because their clients feel heard and valued. 

3. Hyper-Observation Skills 

Not only do introverts listen more attentively, but they’re constantly scanning their surroundings, making mental notes and observing the small details. This can be really helpful when working with both buyers and sellers. With buyers, they may be able to pick up on trends, aversions, and preferences that buyers may not consciously be aware of. With sellers, they may be able to uncover a fear or hesitation that will ultimately help the agent provide more effective guidance through the home sale process. They’re also great at reading the room - noticing body language and facial expressions. This heightened level of interpersonal connection can increase trust, strengthen relationships, and lead to better client outcomes.

4. Deep Level of Empathy

Being able to relate to a client’s needs, emotions and experiences drives a deeper connection - and helps the agent really understand their clients’ north star - the drive behind the decisions they’re making when buying and selling real estate. With a heightened level of empathy, an introverted agent can stay ahead of a client by anticipating their needs, and can help redirect and ask the tough questions when a client gets caught up in the emotion of a real estate transaction. 

5. Great at Conflict Resolution 

Because introverts tend to think before they speak, internally processing arguments and conflicts before acting, they can be great at conflict resolution. A real estate transaction can face many bumps along the way, and effectively resolving conflicts can be a key factor in getting a client to the closing table. They have an ability to see all sides of an argument, and with skilled communication, they’re able to handle disputes diplomatically. 

6. Heightened Creativity

Introverts have a deep internal connection. Spending time in their own minds creates a rich inner world which lends itself to a new level of creativity. This isn’t to say that extroverts aren’t creative - because extroverts can be equally as creative - but a deep inward-focused creativity can deliver a distinctive advantage to problem solving. Creative, out-of-box solutions can smooth some of the inevitable bumps that pop up along the way during sales transaction. 


I'm so interested in learning more about the impact of introversion and extroversion in the field of real estate and on individual agent success. Help me expand my understanding of the role of introversion and extroversion in the field of real estate by taking this quick quiz:

If you're an introvert, click here

If you're an extrovert, click here

Take this quiz if you don't know! 




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