For the dreamers and the doers, the creators and the change-makers


 Maybe you have a dream that you're ready to explore, but you're not sure where to start or how to be sure you'll succeed...


 Or you're burnt out by the 9-5 grind and you're feeling the pull to try something new...


 Maybe you've already started your business, but you're feeling stuck and you want more than anything to make this work... 


If you have a dream or an idea that you're ready to explore...


This one's for you 


Take Me to SOL New Business Accelerator

For the dreamers and the doers, the creators and the change-makers


 Maybe you have a dream that you're ready to explore, but you're not sure where to start or how to be sure you'll succeed...


 Or you're burnt out by the 9-5 grind and you're feeling the pull to try something new...


 Maybe you've already started your business, but you're feeling stuck and you want more than anything to make this work... 


If you have a dream or an idea that you're ready to explore...


This one's for you 


Launch your business with a crystal clear roadmap for success and sustainability 


Align your business with your strengths to avoid burnout, creating a flow that allows you to thrive without exhausting your energy.
Trust your gut and the data. You know in your heart that your business will be a success, but establishing the data points to support your intuition will give you the market insights you need to develop your unique value proposition.
Develop a repeatable, easy-to-follow marketing plan that serves as a blueprint for success and growth, guiding you step by step toward your goals.
Explore and vet your business from every angle with a tried-and-true business plan that doubles as a roadmap to building the business of your dreams. 
Take a holistic approach to business building - giving you the confidence to finally make the leap knowing that you have what it takes to build your business - and sustain it. 

Did you know...

An entrepreneur with a business plan is 260% more likely to launch their business...?

I've been in your shoes...

I know what it feels like to have a dream that lives inside of you… to have that feeling that there’s so much more you can do with your life. I know what it’s like to have that inner knowing that you can build something, grow something, reach so many people… you’re just not sure how to start or what to do next to ensure your success. 

Maybe you’ve hit a dead end, or you’re feeling uncertain or discouraged. You've hit a few setbacks, and you're not sure if you should keep pushing forward, or finally just give it up.

That’s how I felt after experiencing roadblock after roadblock when building my business... an SBA mentor who all but laughed at us (then ghosted us)... a year too long spent on the merry-go-round negotiating lease terms with a dead-end landlord. 

Two years later, after more roadblocks and uphill battles than I care to count, we launched a half-million dollar bricks-and-mortar business that has become an oasis and a respite for our community and the tourists visiting our town. 

But launching your business doesn’t have to feel so hard. You’re going to have a million decisions and difficult choices ahead of you, that’s true. But wouldn’t it be nice to have some help along the way? I’ve done the hard work for you so that you can launch your business with bold confidence in your success. 

Let's Get Started!

In this course, you'll... 

✔ Learn how to understand your strengths and core personality traits so that you can build your business around what you're really good at - and find support for the rest

 Develop a toolkit to work through mindset obstacles like self doubt, fear of failure, and limiting beliefs, so that you can overcome one of the biggest hurdles you'll face in business... yourself 

✔ Create a robust, tried-and-true business plan that's sure to grow your confidence, and secure buy-in from key stakeholders

✔ Shape-shift into the psyche of your target audience, helping you understand their buying behaviors and how you can market your business to reach them at an emotional level  

 ✔ Craft an expert marketing and lead generation plan that doubles as a step-by-step roadmap to incremental growth and dream success

SOL New Business Accelerator is a self-paced course that can guide you from concept to creation, making your dream a reality 

I need this in my life!



Everything you seek is already within you.

So, What's Included?


SOL New Business Accelerator is a complete roadmap to building your dream business on foundations that support exponential growth, life balance, and avoids business burnout.  

In this self-paced course, I'll help you avoid costly and time-consuming mistakes as you investigate your business idea from every angle, prepare for the challenges and success ahead of you, and finally start living the life you've been dreaming of. 

Here's what's included: 



THE BIG IDEA - Start by putting pen to paper with an exploration of your idea as it lives today. Where are you in the process of bringing your idea to life? What will your business look and feel like if you continue down your current path?

Develop this framework now so that the effort you put in to building your business will align with your strengths and what you truly want your life to look like. 


FEARLESS AUTHENTICITY - Take a journey of self discovery. We'll take a deep dive into your personality, your energy, and your core strengths using tools like personality tests, chakras/energy centers, astrology, and more. Developing this deep self awareness leads to ease and success as you focus your attention on what you're really good at - and find support for everything else!


MINDSET + BUSINESS BALANCE  - When 80% of your business's success rests on mindset alone, it's worth the investment of both your time and your energy. Here you'll develop a toolkit and a weekly maintenance routine to overcome all that holds you back, like: 

  • Fear of Failure / Success / Rejection / The Unknown
  • Limiting Beliefs
  • Imposter Syndrome
  • Stress & Overwhelm 


BUSINESS MAPPING - Before we can build out a foolproof business plan, we'll dive a layer deeper to map out the framework of your business based on the strengths you've identified and the tools you'll need to maintain balance. 

  • What are your offerings?
  • What does your rollout plan look like?
  • How can you structure your business with scalability in mind?

Here you'll get organized so that your business plan can be as comprehensive and accurate as possible. 


THE BUSINESS PLAN - Every successful business needs a business plan. But the details can be overwhelming. 

  • Obtain a deep understanding of your target audience, their buying behaviors, how they consume information, and the problems you solve for them. 
  • Define your business model and organizational structure. How will you go to market? What kind of support will you obtain? Leverage your strengths to maximize efficiencies and identify opportunities for outsourcing. 
  • Develop your financial model - how will you fund your business? How can you estimate your startup costs and working capital requirements? At what point do you expect to break even?
  • Work through other important elements like developing your mission statement, vision, unique selling proposition, competitive analysis, and more.

You'll complete this section with a comprehensive business plan that will give you and key stakeholders the bold confidence you need to move forward with your launch. 


THE MARKETING PLAN - You have a crystal clear vision of your business from the point of launch through years of future growth. But how will you reach your future customers? How will you tell your story? Your marketing plan doubles as a step-by-step roadmap for consistently getting in front of your audience, making sales, and growing your business. 

  • Establish clear branding so that you stand apart from your competition. 
  • People don't buy products and services, they buy you. Develop messaging to reach your audience at an emotional level so they feel connected and compelled to buy from you.
  • Create an annual content calendar to simplify the time you're spending on your marketing, and to establish clear messaging with your audience. 
  • Explore marketing channels like SEO marketing, social media, email, print, public relations, digital ads, partnerships, networking, event marketing, and more. 
  • Establish an annual review process, evaluating your goals and the success of your plan, then revising it to help you reach your goals year over year. 
Take Me to SOL New Business Accelerator

You are your most important investment. You are so worth it

✧✦ Introductory Pricing 

A limited number of courses are available at introductory pricing


I'm so excited to get to know you and what you're experiencing on your business journey... 

I'm offering a FREE 30-Minute Coaching Call When You Book TODAY!

✧ Sign Me Up! ✧
Subject to change without prior notice. Book today to reserve with the bonus included! 

Life is but a moment.

Have the courage to live it authentically.

Do the thing you’ve always told yourself you could never do.

Dance in the rain.

Dance in the sunshine, too, for that matter.

Just do whatever it is that sets your soul on fire.

Be relentless in your pursuit of happiness.

Whatever you do,

                 do not let it pass you by.



Still have questions?

Send me a message!