TakeĀ The SOL Expansion Journey

At The Sol School of Entrepreneurial Expansion, we understand that your business is an extension of who you are. Our apex course, the SOL Expansion Journey, is designed to help small business owners like you discover your unique strengths, align your personal brand with your true self, and create genuine connections with your audience.Ā 

Take the Journey

Does any of this sound like you?Ā 

OwningĀ your own business can feel stressful and overwhelming at times.

Financial uncertainty, customers with soaring expectations, and the never-ending to do list...Ā 

You're ready to step into the boldest, most confident version of yourself...

But you need some help overcoming some of the fears and beliefs that are holding you back.

You could use some help clarifying your vision and your goals.

Sometimes you feel so stuck in the weeds that it can be hard to figure out what to do next.

You're ready to take your business to new heights...

But you know that something needs to change, and true transformation starts from within.

You feel like you're spending all of your time finding new business...

Instead of focusing on the work you set out to do in the first place. What you wouldn't give for sustainable growth and steady leads...

There never seem to be enough hours in the day, and it feels like you're always making a sacrifice.

Mom, business owner, caregiver, coach... whatever hats you wear, you just can't seem to win. You might wonder, is "balance" evenĀ a real thing?

You have a dream or a vision that you're ready to bring to life.Ā 

Maybe it's fear of leaping into the unknown, or maybe it's uncertainty around how to get started. You could really use a play book to get you started.

Owning a business can be a lonely journey and it feels like no one actually understands the challenges you face.Ā 

You could really use a village to lift you up, or someone in your corner genuinely cheering you on.

Change Starts Here

The blueprint for entrepreneurial success goes far beyond business processes and marketing spend. It's a five part process that aligns your business with your energy by getting at the root of who you are, conquering mindset obstacles that block yourĀ growth, supporting your journey with simplified business tools, and infusing your life with balance and a village that understands your journey.Ā 

"There are few things I love more in this business than watching a brand coming to life. Itā€™s the first outward expression of a dream in the physical world. It represents a turning point for the dreamer - of everything that came before, and everything that comes after. Itā€™s really a very vulnerable momentā€¦ sharing this dream that has been so loved, held, shapedā€¦ perfected. So letā€™s celebrate the dreamers who have the courage to chase the dream and share it with the world."

What's Included in the Journey:


Takes you on a journey of self discovery as we develop your fearless authenticity. We'll do a deep dive into your personality, your energy, and your strengths using tools like personality tests, chakras or energy centers, and astrology. This essential foundation is the key to true success in business.Ā 

  • Bonus! Astrology Library


Align your energy with your business in thisĀ soul-aligned branding journey. Here were set the roots of your brand by covering internal brand elements. Then, we develop or evaluate the external look of your brand. This total brand journey also guides you through developing brand messaging and your brand story, and establishing consistency tools to save you time and frustration.Ā 

  • Bonus!Ā Total Brand Guide & Persona Library


Journey through the Relationship Marketing Referral Lab. Here you'll get all of your marketing foundations in place - fromĀ establishing and nurturingĀ your database to identifying marketing channels. You'll identify how to systematize celebrating your clients and cultivating genuine relationships. You'llĀ finish this section with a complete marketing plan that's totally in line with your energy, your business, and your goals.Ā 

  • Bonus! Gift Guide, Templates, Scripts, and more!


In the final section, you'll take your relationship marketing journey one step further, building out loyalty programs and referral networks. You'll establish processes that allow you to stay consistent and seamlessly maintain your marketing for years to come. Relationship marketing has the power to exponentially grow your business, and this strategic approach can be easily repeated year over year.


Support your journey withĀ eight weeks of one-to-one coaching plus email and Voxer support. We'll meet for an hour every other week to discuss how you can get the most out of the course - including obstacles you're facing, clarity you're seeking, and feedback on the brand vibe and marketing plan you're developing.Ā 

Plus, receive additional support between calls with Voxer and email support.Ā 

āœ§Ā BONUSĀ āž”Ā 

Bonus Module!Ā SOL Business BalanceĀ helps youĀ take control of stress and overwhelm while bringing balance and ease into your life. You'll uncover and conquer limiting belief systems, dig deep to build bold confidence, and create a tool kit toĀ keep you balanced and ready for the obstacles thatĀ business ownership can throw in your way.Ā 

Join the waitlist here and I'll let you know as soon as we're ready to review applicants!Ā 

Why take the SOL Journey?

Start Your SOL Journey Today

Ready to transform your business and life? Enroll in The Sol Journey and start your path to authentic, relationship-based marketing. Let us help you shine your light, connect with your audience, and grow your business in a way that feels true to you.

Let's Get Started

Still have questions? Send me a message and I'll get back to you ASAP! :)